Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gagne’s 9 Levels of Instruction

Today we discussed Gagne’s 9 Levels of Instruction. These 9 levels reminded me of the ultimate lesson plan. I know its going to back to teaching 101, but don't forget these critical pieces when creating a lesson plan or designing instruction for the classroom. Here is a great site for reference with examples and a super definition.

1. Gain attention - the “hook”
- hello/ greeting
- joke / humor
- video/animations
- graphics
- Anecdotes/Stories

2. Objectives
- inform learner about what the objects are going to be
- Instructional Designers will create the objectives

3. Recall of pre-requisites
- what kids already know about the lesson
- build upon the “needs assessment"
- pre-test or survey
- poll students - poll everywhere baby!

4. Present content
- how content is presented
- verbal/online
- voicethread / connect
- games
- scenarios

5. Apply guidance
- model
- me do, we do, you do (best to do at least 3 example problems with the students prior to letting them loose!)
- ask questions / answer

6. Elicit performance
- demo knowledge without guidance
- homework
- review questions
- not heavily graded
- feedback

7. Provide feedback

8. Assess performance

9. Transfer the knowledge to real world
- real life examples
- put in simulations online or in person
- role playing
- are the objectives met?

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